Sunday, May 20, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Lesson On Being Thankful

Wow, it has been a long time since my last blog post. I would like to say that I have been crazy busy but I think the truth is I have been crazy lazy. :) Hope all my readers are well (all 4 of you) and that 2012 is treating you great so far.

I wanted to tell you a quick story about something that happened with Abby today. As we were getting ready to leave for school this morning she was complaining big time about how much she hated her coat. I just wanted to get that child to school so I did not do the usual "you should be so thankful speech" or talk about "all the little kids in Africa or Canada or wherever that do not have coats". I let her complain and very happily dropped her at the front doors of the school and said a prayer of thanks that the school day is 7 hours long.

So when that quick 7 hours was up I went and picked up my sweet girl, gave her a snack and then informed her she needed to go spend some time in her room and think about how lucky she is to have a nice warm coat on such a cold day. She stomps off and about 20 minutes later this letter comes floating down from upstairs:

Dear Mom
I, am srre abawt the cot bekas I was being srretascic (sarcastic) bekas I wot (want) to be thancful but it dasit (doesn't) work out for me bekas somtims I just forget to be.

Love Abby C

First of all let me just say how proud I am of my girl for hearing all the sounds that she hears when she writes. Remember - we were told this child might not walk or talk. But what really hit home with me was how this statement is so true in my own life. How many times a day do I complain about something minor or get frustrated over something silly? How many times a day do I forget to be thankful?

I would like to think that I am teaching her all this great stuff about life but the truth is that most days she is teaching me.

Thankfully yours,

and because no post is complete without a picture... here is one from our recent trip to Disney.